This page ought to be of more interest to folks who have a more general interest in how US Navy sailors lived and worked in the Far East in the 1920s.
This series of photos indicates that one form of recreation for Navy sailors was camping on Luzon in the Philippine Islands.
Here are a couple of unidentified cruisers at sea. Well, I'm pretty sure the ship at the top is a cruiser, but I am guessing about the lower photo.
The US Navy shared Chinese waters with a number of European powers, principally the United Kingdom. This is a snap of the British cruiser HMS Vindictive at Tsingtao.
Accounts of the HENDERSON's activities in the Far East don't say much about what happened after that, but from notes on the back of this photo I can determine that in the early spring of 1928 she was in Hongkong. On 2 April 1928 she set sail for San Francisco, arriving on 4 May. My grandfather was aboard, and he snapped this photo of rough seas. After three years in the Asiatic Fleet, he was going home. A month after arriving in San Francisco he was discharged from the US Navy.
Continue on to Commercial prints.